Saturday, February 4, 2017

I'm warning you up front: this is going to sound very cliché.

I've been thinking about the fact that much is required from those to whom much is given (Luke 12:48). In fact, the very reason I started this blog was because I had an overwhelming desire to give what I had received. I have received so much. So much knowledge of God, so much truth, so much reality.
It scares me.
Sometimes I truly am frightened by how much I know and have experienced of Christ- much will be required of me. I know what sin is; I know that God cares about the intrinsic intentions of my heart- what am I doing with that knowledge?
I know I am commanded to pray and I have been taught how- am I praying?

But here's the thing: when you pursue the Lord, He gives you not only the command, but the power to live out what He has called you to do. And He gives you unspeakable joy in the fulfillment of that calling (bonus!).

The Bible says that perfect love casts out fear (1Jhn 4:18). And while there is a part of knowing the Lord intimately that inspires fear, their is another side of that love in which no fear is found. When you know perfect love- love full of mercy, abounding in forgiveness and saturated with hope- there is no need to fear the judgment of a perfect Father.

I challenge you, if you are a follower of Christ, don't allow fear or lack of comfort to stop you from obeying the Lord. There is much joy in living out the Christian life. There is so much hope in allowing our Almighty God to work through our weakness.

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