Monday, February 20, 2017

What qualifies you to disciple?

“My brethren, let not many of you become teachers knowing that we shall be judged with a stricter judgment. For we all stumble in many things, if anyone does not stumble in word he is a perfect man able also to bridle the whole body.” -James 3:1-2

I know I'm skipping ahead in my study of James, but sometimes the things you are learning currently are so fresh and immediate that you cannot speak of anything else.

This passage is scary. There's a temptation to take these words and say, “Actually, God specifically told me not to teach so I think I should just forget about that whole evangelizing, discipling thing.”
I've seen people do this with different passages and have done it myself, but here's the thing: every Christian is commanded to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19)

There is a difference between assuming a wide-ranging role of leadership and being obedient to God's commission to follow Him in pouring your life out.

But don't jump the gun and think that just because I'm claiming that everyone is called to disciple, well then that must mean that it's a whole lot easier than you previously thought. Nope. Discipling is hard.

But the hard part is not the part you think... it's not the prep-work or finding the “right” curriculum, it's living it. To lead someone in God's word you need to eat and breathe the word. To hold someone to a higher standard your life needs to exemplify that standard. To introduce someone to the living God you must know that God. If you're going to tell someone to take up their cross, you better be carrying one yourself.
Dicipling other people means calling them down to follow you as you follow Christ- if you are not following Christ, then be assured that you are leading that person outside the camp to worship your idols with you.

“If the blind leads the blind, they shall both fall into a pit.” (Luke 6:39)

“There is a way that seems right unto man that in the end leads to death.” (Pro 14:12)

But if you are following the Lord. If your way aligns with His way. If a cross is always before you, it's shadow over you, and one even rests on your shoulder, than do not worry about method, eloquence, or curriculum. Follow Jesus' example. If your life is saturated with Christ, Christ will use you to lead others to the cross. If your life lines up with your proclamation, if the Spirit is deeply involved in your every day, nothing else matters.

The judgment for those who misuse His Spirit is fierce, but so is the judgment upon those who bury their seed in the ground and excuse their disobedience (Matt 25:24-30). We ought not to fear His judgment, but to rest in His grace.

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