Friday, February 10, 2017

It's Important

       My family and I enjoy watching a reality tv show called Alone. The concept is very basic: twenty or so competitors are flown out to this remote, beautiful area, they are then separated and told to survive as long as they can (up to a year) with no human contact (except for an occasional vitals tests) and no man-made resource. They can pull out at any time, but they are never told how many people are still in the competition.
The show is quite interesting in that it really reveals who people are at their very core, what you can boil them down to. They become desperate, transparent, sometimes ugly.

There was a certain competitor who was animated, an inventor, and was simply loving every minute of her days. She ended up dropping out because she decided that she felt fulfilled. She decided that it wasn't any longer about the money and that staying in the competition would be hypocritical if she really believed that.
Another competitor, who ended up winning, said that the reason he made it was because he wanted to better his family. He said the hardest part about 'Alone' was being away from his family, but they were also his single motivation.

It hit me... both these competitors ended the game in a manner that reflected the thing of inherent significance in their lives. Both were able to endure little inconveniences, silence, loneliness and heartache because they had a higher goal.
The first competitor, though outwardly more content, ended up quitting because of her convictions, while the other, in agony, was able to remain for the sake of the family he treasured above all else in the world. Amazing!
Whether either of their conclusions is right or wrong is not the point. But this opened my eyes to a really profound truth: whatever your treasure is will, in the end, surface.
Whatever motivates you, whatever you live and die for, whatever shapes your identity and controls your mind, will, in fact, become known. In fact, your treasure will determine your end.

God is not ignorant of what that treasure is. In every single one of us, He knows. He knows why we wake up, why we despair, why we love life...
Do not hide from your own heart the reality of what it is that you truly idolize.
What possesses you?
God knows.
Do you know?

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