Monday, January 16, 2017

This meditation on the Song of Solomon was inspired by a message I received at Bible School. Our teachers shed a new light on the Song of Solomon. They showed us how the Shulamite and her Beloved (Solomon) have a devotion to each other that we ought to emulate in our relationship with Christ.
 The more I read this book, the more amazed I am at the Shulamite's complete disregard for any opinion but her Beloved's (this grows after they marry and the longer they are together), and her Beloved's devotion to her despite her nonexistent status. It's a truly beautiful picture of how we are to count all that we must lose for Christ as nothing compared to dwelling in His presence forever... 

Reflection on Song of Solomon
            Eve, the Mother of the Living & the Dead:
The curse is heavy. It is shameful for my Lord to behold my face! How shameful. I hide from Him. He shall never again behold me, for I know I am helpless, naked, vile.
My feet carried me into the midst of the garden. Mine own heart yearned for the forbidden thing. My ears accepted the Serpents lie with great gladness, each compromise brought me closer to the desire of my heart.
I have violated the law of liberty, which the Lord once taught me. I have forsaken the inheritance of my father.
I have worshiped the god of desire & have believed that I myself could be a god. I have abhorred the name of the Lord & made Him like me, capable of  covetousness and deceit.  I have found rest in mine own pleasures and despised the Lord of rest. In my tyranny I have brought forth death to all things, now everything which comes forth from my womb will bear a curse and no blessing. I have lied to my husband and forsaken him. I have stolen of the tree of good and evil, and I have been found out. In one stroke have I trampled every law the Lord has established. 
O my God, where shall I go? Who can deliver me from this body of death? Who can wash my guilt and make me again a pure bride, knowing nothing of evil and trusting my Lord?
But You, O God, fearful and holy, have promised me, even me, a Redeemer. You have promised to make a way back into your holy presence. You have promised to form a man not of my polluted form, but of your seed. You have promised a Messiah from a man named David, and His name shall be called Emanuel...

            In The Presence of the King:
            The Shulamite:
You have invited me back into your garden, Solomon wisest of kings. Wisest of men, you have welcomed a foreigner to tend your vegetation, as if they were mine also.  How is it that you would trust me, O Solomon, a foreigner in your father's house?  A curse among your people?
O Solomon, I will do all for you! Tell me to stay and I will stay. Tell me to come, and I will run to you!
Tell me not to eat, and I will trust. Tell me to partake, and I will savor.
O Solomon, fairest among men, you have brought a rebel into your tent, a daughter of Eve, born under the same tree as the one bold to abhor your statutes. But I will not hide under the fig leaves. My face bears no shame, but reflects the glorious countenance of my king. Why should I hide myself from thee, my Beloved? No, but I will even hide in You!
O Solomon, with the strength of my life, I will pursue you. I will not stop until I am in your embrace.
In the last watch of the night, I will run into the square crying out, “where are you, my Beloved?”
If the watchmen find me and beat me, you will know. You will remember and will not hold them guiltless. There shouts may prevail in the streets, among the peoples they may accuse me. But when they stand before the gates of your kingdom, woe to them! They will be cast out and utterly destroyed.
I may be alienated in this life. In your absence they may refuse to recognize me as your wife, but I am convinced that even then you see. Even then your eyes know all, O wisest of kings.
If they take me for a prostitute and accuse me of every vile deed, what is that to me?
What is it to me if the sons of mere men malign me? Solomon, you have approved of me! I have found favor in the eyes of the king, what more does my heart need for peace? Beloved, you are my peace.
You have redeemed me. My redemption was costly, sealed with the eternal seal of your love. This seal is as strong as the curse of death and stronger still- for you have put death to utter shame.
Now Solomon, not only have you given me your footprints to follow into your garden, but freedom to take from any tree, to drink of your honey, the honey of your lips, which is sweeter to my mouth than all things.
You have allowed me to partake of the jewel, the very crown, or your garden: You have given me fruit from the tree of life, which is your life-blood. You have sealed me with your spirit. I have partaken of living water; I will never thirst.
Though I am beyond satisfied, you invite me to partake of the abundance. I will plant myself here, beside your river, that I might enjoy you until forever ends.
You have poured forth wisdom into my heart; I have not hindered it dear Solomon; I have delighted in your statutes.
I have desired the pure milk of your words and they are planted in me.
I have brought forth much fruit, for you have protected me as if I were the rightful queen.
I am enclosed by love's seal. My garden flourishes and smells of spiknard and cinnamon. But though it be my body, my Beloved, partake! You have cultivated this garden with your patient hands. You have pruned it with your wisdom and I have not withheld so much as a vine. How could I, my King, when you have not withheld your sacred body from me?
My garden is small, my Beloved. How I wish I might have given you a kingly gift, but this is all I own.
O Solomon, I have neglected my plot, but not you. It shoots up and its fragrance is as the fragrance of your own garden.
I, O Solomon, now desire nothing but to be with you. In the night too my heart thinks of you. That I may dwell in your house forever, but Solomon, even one day in your courts is worth all. To dwell with you one day is more to be desired than with a thousand foreign princes. Solomon, even if it were in the cleft of a rock, you are the rare prize, the magnificent jewel that my heart covets!
Return! Return my Solomon!
My love is asleep until I again see you.
Be swift, my Beloved, as the gazelle, come quickly!
I will keep watch, my Beloved, for I am love sick.
You have been absent one day and a thousand years have slipped through my fingers.
Sustain me even in your absence and come quickly lest I die of heart sickness.
Desiderio Domonai! Maranatha, my Solomon, Maranatha!
Nothing can break the seal of your love, I will hold you to your promise.
I will know of your coming long before you come, of your arrival long before you arrive, for I will remain sober; at night my heart will keep watch.
I do not wait as a foreigner any longer, but for my husband whose name is faithful and true.
Once my beauty enticed the world, but now I am a reflection of my King. My beauty is not of this world, nor do the
 daughters of men fathom my peace.
I once neglected my portion and wandered, aimless. My Beloved has given me his garden to tend to!
I will my Beloved; I will not let the work of your hands perish.
Your jealousy is cruel and flaming like fire. You keep me locked up, a barred fountain, an enclosed garden. But where else should I go, my Beloved? Who else brings forth life as you do? They tell me, “Look, your Beloved comes!” But I know my Beloved and He knows me. I know His voice, His steps, His ways; I am not deceived.
I will not be a faithless bride. I have tasted of the world, and your honey is a thousand times sweeter.
Even so, my Solomon, return! Already, my Beloved, I am sick for love! Maranatha, my King, come quickly!

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