Tuesday, January 17, 2017

-The Heart of God-

Have you ever stopped in the middle of what you're doing, and wondered at the Lord's transformation of your heart? 
I have! There are things in my life that I absolutely know did not originate with me. They just didn't. 
My sinful, flesh-gratifying nature that takes over without the Lord's intervention just wouldn't do certain things...

...I found myself having one of those moments today. 
I was praying for a friend who is so dear to me. A friend whose culture, lifestyle, and values are completely opposite my own. I am deeply burdened that God would get a hold of her life. 

"What? How did this even happen? How did we even become friends?" I sometimes wonder.

But the Lord taught me that just like anything else, gaining the heart of the Lord for the lost, no matter how opposite and outwardly incompatible you may be with a certain person the Lord has placed in your life, originates with obedience. 

You see... there was a time I was tempted not to stay in contact with this person. Not that I didn't want to talk to her, I just knew that it would take a whole lot of effort on my part and she lived far away and... 
it didn't matter! God began our friendship. He allowed us to meet and through my obedience in praying and communicating with this person, He has allowed me to gain His heart for her, to see her through His very eyes.
God doesn't give us His heart by transplant, but by intense, risky surgery. He renews it and sanctifies it as His sheep walk in obedience. 
"Follow me," He says, "and [then, once you have moved your feet] I will make you fishers of men." (Mat 4:19)
Move your feet, and He will move your heart.

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