Monday, January 9, 2017

(James 1:2) "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials"

What an amazing statement made by James! How could he be so bold as to say this? What did he know of trials?
James witnessed Jesus crucifixion. He witnessed Jesus faithfulness to the point of death.

Let's break down this second verse:
James calls the scattered Jewish Christians his "brethren." Those who belong to the same father, who have access to the same heavenly place, enslaved to the same master.

"Count it all joy" means that you are to identify a trial before it comes upon you, and you are to determine in your mind and heart to take joy in the trial! You are to make provision in your soul; believers elsewhere are commanded not to be surprised by trial.
What happens when a soldier is surprised by battle? He is found sleeping, unarmed, mentally ill-prepared, disordered...
But this word "count" is in the Aorist tense: meaning that we must always be found ready.

And get this! It's not only the recognition of the trial that happens from far off- the joy too, comes long before you are encompassed by the trial. The word "joy" means to "hail, greet, rejoice exceedingly, and thrive."

And these are not small, dinky trials we think about (traffic, family arguments, dealing with difficult people...etc.). The trials James is talking about are the all-encompassing ones. Whether temptation to sin, or persecution: all are to be counted as all joy.

Why? Why are weak, scattered, terrified Christians commanded not only to endure trials, but to greet them from afar with exceeding joy...?

The answer is simply this: Christ is worthy. No servant is greater than his master. (Jhn 15:20)

Trials prove genuineness, character, fidelity. Christ was proven! The spotless Lamb was made perfect through suffering, how much more ought we to expect that same proving from the Lord? He has already promised us the victory! He, very God of very God, has promised to be with us "to the very end of the age" (Mat 28:20). Let us hail all trials in Christ's name!

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